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Send the below info, and if interested, the nonprofit will select a time for a phone interview. You'll get a confirmation with everything you need to know.


You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with Artful Lives, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
Artful Lives
1 - 3 weeks
Can be done remotely
North Las Vegas, Nevada
Website development

Posted July 08
Member since 2024-06-30

Project Overview

We are seeking a Taproot volunteer to rebuild the Artful Lives website on WordPress (transitioning from Squarespace).

Project Overview:
The goal of this project is to rebuild the Artful Lives website on WordPress from its current home on Squarespace. The WP website would need additional functionality to include membership tiers, secure login, payment processing for donations, automated donation receipts, and an auction platform for fundraising. The updated website will maintain all current content from our Squarespace site (which is and integrate these new features to better support the organization’s goals and make a user experience that is easier for less tech-savvy users to navigate.

Artful Lives was started by a public artist/LCSW to address the needs of our asset-limited, income-constrained employed community. Our community in North Las Vegas is primarily blue and pink-collar workers with limited money for extras. Our mission is to provide accessible no/low cost, therapeutic art activities that bring people together, combat depression, and alleviate isolation.

Our Squarespace site was created by someone with no website design or development experience. We now realize that rebuilding our website on WordPress will better to serve our community and enhance our online presence. This project involves creating a dynamic platform with membership tiers, a secure login system, payment processing for donations, automated donation receipts, and an auction platform for fundraising.

If you choose to volunteer with us:
Your expertise will directly contribute to the mental and emotional well-being of countless individuals. By helping us build a more robust website, you’ll be empowering people to connect through art and find solace in creativity.
You’ll have creative freedom to design and develop a website that reflects the spirit and mission of Artful Lives.
We will make you a painting to show our appreciation and gratitude.

We already have a functioning Squarespace website with the majority of the information that would go into the WordPress site. We have a clear idea of what we need. These are all technical things- adding payment, logins, and such which we will give support to you as much as you need from us.


Nonprofit Overview

Artful Lives promotes artistic talents and community engagement through low-cost, therapeutic art activities, fostering skill development and social connection to alleviate depression and isolation. We are based in an ALICE community- asset limited, income constrained, employed. We are a blue collar town of warehouse workers and non college educated adults. People who don’t have money for the extras that provide stress relief and foster community for those who might not go to churches but want weekly or regular healthy community. We identified a gap in community centers that has not been filled post COVID because of low pay. Our non profit is aiming to pay art teachers $50/hr to provide community based classes for working age people at low/no cost to students. We need a website to get donations, host fundraising and more.
I am an LCSW who has paused my private practice to start this therapeutic art initiative and I need a great tech team to make something simple for a blue collar community to access.
Warm Regards,


User experience design
Word press
Web development